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The Institute seeks through its policy to encourage all-rounded responsibility for the student also establishes guidelines for the use of positive practices in concern with the behavioural issues & conduct in the institute in order to maximize their learning potential and to ensure a positive climate for all the stakeholders of the Institute.

Participation & Attendance Policy

Student’s success in the class depends on their willingness to put effort into their work. Students are expected to participate in all large and small group activities, exercises and discussions. Participation will help you understand the subject matter and will be considered when determining your final grade.

Participation Involves

  • Paying attention, take notes, ask question and take responsibility for your own learning.
  • Working with others in group activities: A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Don’t drag your team down by refusing to get involved.
  • Attending class regularly. If you aren’t here, you can’t learn. Throughout the course, you are encouraged to bring in information and examples that relate to the subject matter and which can be shared with the class.


  • For the entire term are outlined on the Course Outline provided the first day of class. It is your responsibility to ensure you understand the assignments and turn them in on time. If you do not understand an assignment, don’t wait till the last minute to ask questions!!
  • Late work is not accepted. Each lesson relates to the current lecture topic so keeping up with the work is essential to your success in this course. Absence is not an excuse for failing to complete assignments on time.
  • At times, assignments may be changed from what appears on you assignment sheet. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to get the assignment and handouts from a fellow student.
  • Note: Reading assignments are outlined on your course outline. They should be read before you come to class in order to get the maximum benefit from the information.

Presentations/Surveys, Submissions and Exams:

  • Scheduled presentations/surveys and exams appear on the course outline. There will also be a variety of unannounced assignments. Presentations cannot be made up if missed. As per the Institute’s policy, Final Exams may not be given early for any reason.


  • You are expected to attend each class and to arrive on time. Roll is taken at the beginning of class.
  • Late arrival: Class starts promptly at the specified time. However, if something unexpected happens, it is better to come late than not at all. Repeatedly late arrival will have a negative impact on your grade.
  • Absence: If you are absent from class for any reason, it is your responsibility to contact a fellow student to obtain any missed handouts, notes or assignments.
  • Arranged absences*: If you know you will miss a class, please inform the concerned faculty. To obtain the assistance from the Institute, please identify in writing the date you will miss, the reason for the absence and your proposed timeline for making up any missed work, provided the leave is for less than 2days.
  • Note: * No extra classes will be arranged for the students taking leave of absence for more than 2days.

Students Discipline Policy

  • It is the responsibility of the Institute to facilitate students learning and create an appropriate learning environment. It is Students responsibility to take advantage of the opportunity to learn.
  • There will be discussion periods almost every class. During these discussions we will all respect each other’s opinions-even if we do not agree with them.
  • Out of courtesy to others, you are expected to turn off your cell phone when you enter the classroom. Cell phones may not be used during class for any reason. Failure to comply with this will result in two warnings followed by expulsion from class.
  • Cheating, plagiarism or knowingly furnishing false information are causes of disciplinary action by the Institute and will result in a failing grade for this course.
  • Activities engaged in by the pupil on the Institute’s Premise that have caused extensive damage to the property will be borne by the students.
  • Any pattern of behaviour found to be inappropriate, the faculty has the right to expel the student from the classroom.


  • No student shall be permitted to appear for the examination in a given course unless he/she has, to the satisfaction of the course teacher, fulfilled the course requirements and has put in not less than 75 % attendance in the course concerned.


  • Fees once paid is not refundable. It is to be paid within seven days from the due date. Otherwise a fine will be levied from the candidate.


  • Ragging, Eve-teasing and/or aiding and abetting the same in any form, mental or physical, inside or outside the Institute is an offence prohibited by law. Mental and/or physical harassment of any student(s) is an offence. Any student(s) found indulging in any such activity shall forthwith be expelled from the institute, without exception.

General Rules

1. Students shall possess identity card always and produce the same on demand. If anybody found without identity cards for three times shall be charged with Rs 100 as fine.

2. Students are required to behave well at all times.

3. Loitering around in the institution, damaging the institute’s property and indulging in physical violence with their fellow students are treated as acts of grave indiscipline.

4. Those who are found guilty of such misconduct will be dealt with severely including levying of fine.

5. Students whose presence in the institute is found to be injurious to the maintenance of order and discipline of the college are liable to be suspended or dismissed.

6. Students shall keep in touch with notice board periodically for announcements regarding class test/special classes and award of scholarships etc.

7. Smoking, chewing of tobacco, consumption of alcohol in the campus is strictly prohibited.

8. Students are strictly prohibited from using cell phones in the classes.

9. Students are not allowed to share their contact numbers with any faculty’s and no connection with faculty’s on social media

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